FAITH OVER FEAR (The cypher)
Nigeria’s highly sort after Producer and Rap artiste Tami Tamx teams up with seven (7) Prolific Port Harcourt Gospel Rap Ministers to deliver a modern day classic Hip Hop Cypher tittled “FAITH OVER FEAR“
Acknowledging the timed and current situation the world has been thrown into by the deadly Corona virus ( COVID-19) Tami Tamx and his colleagues thought it wise to speak about the dangers of FEAR and the need to encourage everyone to hold unto the FAITH in God which is the essence of our daily living.
Faith over Fear is a classic Hip Hop masterpiece with a timeless delivery of spontaneous punchlines and triggers , altogether making it a soothing piece of good music with exuding dexterity and celestial inspirational message.
Faith over Fear was made up by Rap verses from the likes of SUPHRANO, EBI JOSEPH, PAUL PRINCE AYO, DERVIC, AWESOME, B-CLASSIC and SPECCTA,
It was then Produced, mixed and mastered by Tami Tamx.
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#TamiTamx #Paulpriince Ayo #AceRapper B-classic #Ebi Joseph #Dervic Amp #Awê Somê #Speccta Skb #TheRapsinger Suphranno
Acknowledging the timed and current situation the world has been thrown into by the deadly Corona virus ( COVID-19) Tami Tamx and his colleagues thought it wise to speak about the dangers of FEAR and the need to encourage everyone to hold unto the FAITH in God which is the essence of our daily living.
Faith over Fear is a classic Hip Hop masterpiece with a timeless delivery of spontaneous punchlines and triggers , altogether making it a soothing piece of good music with exuding dexterity and celestial inspirational message.
Faith over Fear was made up by Rap verses from the likes of SUPHRANO, EBI JOSEPH, PAUL PRINCE AYO, DERVIC, AWESOME, B-CLASSIC and SPECCTA,
It was then Produced, mixed and mastered by Tami Tamx.
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8 rappers 1 sound> "Faith over Fear" |Download here> Faith Over Fear
Connect:#TamiTamx #Paulpriince Ayo #AceRapper B-classic #Ebi Joseph #Dervic Amp #Awê Somê #Speccta Skb #TheRapsinger Suphranno
Cover Art credit Sammy Hart #HRTGFX